Name Product: David Abingdon – Alchemy Consulting and Deal Making Masterclass
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Described as the “The Millionaires MBA”
Gain INSTANT FREE access to a powerful, content-rich, video training series where you will discover:
- A time-tested, step-by-step system for generating a 7 FIGURE INCOME in business consulting and coaching
- How to POSITION yourself and achieve recognition as an EXPERT and AUTHORITY
- How to do DEALS, joint ventures and gain EQUITY in businesses as a DEAL MAKER
Revealing real-life case studies of ordinary people show you how they used this insider information and system to earn staggering fees! These videos give you access to the same methods and techniques so that you can apply them right away.
Don’t miss your opportunity to see this revealing videos series… ONLY AVAILABLE for a short time!
- I understand that the program covers:
1. Fast Track To Success System
2. The Step-By-Step TALISMAN Consulting & Coaching System
3. Positioning As The Expert
4. The Marketing 101
5. Client Generation
6. Deal Making
7. Joint Venturing
8. Business Capitalisation
9. Business Systemisation
10. Advanced Client Acquisition
11. Buying Businesses For No-Money Down, and much more.
- I will have access to, and be able to download, the mass of tools, templates, manuals, spreadsheets, presentation, checklists and many other resources.
- My massive step-by-step, physical, three volume and 22 module TALISMAN Business Acceleration Consulting System will be shipped to me directly.
- I will have access to download and use (for personal use only) the following resources and materials:
– 40 Training Videos
– 18 Manuals, Guides and Workbooks
– 23 Forms, ‘How To’ Sheets & Worksheets
– 3 Consulting PowerPoint Presentations
– 3 Client Legal Agreements
– Spreadsheets
– Client Generation App
– And, other Training Videos and Resources as they are made available.
- I will receive access to the Forum Community and to the Support Desk where I can ask questions directly to David and his team.
- I will also get access to the regular Group Training Webinars.
- I will get all the tools, materials and other resources to the exclusive Client Generation systems and software. I understand that these are of a confidential nature.
- I will also get the following ALL THE BONUSES:
1. The Marketing Strategies Encyclopaedia
2. The Alchemy Confidential Business Audit
3. The Alchemy Business Growth Calculator
4. The Lead Generation Software - AND EVEN MORE BONUSES…
5. The Alchemy Sales Training System (As an additional TALISMAN module)
6. Use of the title: Alchemy Consultant, Logo, Email Address AND Certificate.
7. How To Get Onto Page 1 Of Google In Under 36 Hours… FREE ! - PLUS: Immediate access to the FAST-TRACK system to kick-start the training in Deal Making and Consulting.
Download Link:
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