Backpage Dominator 1.1
Sells For: $499
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“Backpage Dominator is specially designed to get data for respective niches, so that every business gets their targeted audience easily. Data from various Backpage categories can be easily extracted according to selected location(s) or directly scrape using URL. It allows saving data in CSV format while running your email marketing campaigns.
It’s incredibly easy to configure the scraper and you can start scraping the data within minutes of installing Backpage Dominator.
– Campaign Manager
Create, update, and delete campaigns as per your preferences
– Backpage scraper
Scrape classified section using direct URLs or from the added campaigns
– Scraped Data
View complete scraped data in a tabular form in this section
– Proxy Settings
Use Proxies so that your home IP should not get banned.
– Post an Add
Post multiple ads on backpage without any hassles.
– Load Accounts
Load existing accounts of backpage directly to start posting ads…!”